about this site
my very first website was made on Angelfire, in either the very late 90's or very early 00's (i can't remember anymore, it's been so long!) but that tiny site was my beginning foray, and in a way a rough draft, of the ideas i had for what would eventually become this website! my websites have always been personal sites made for fun, meant to hold info about me, my original characters and other creative stuff, and just neat things i found on the web back before the web became mostly gobbled up and turned into the awful modern corporate web of today.
despite being a personal site made for fun i do take this kind of seriously! i've tried my hardest to implement html5
and modern web accessibility standards to the best of my ability, while still maintaining some of the "old web" feel i loved from those ancient sites back in the days of Geocities and Angelfire. this site is bigger than it may first appear, which kind of necessitates layout injection which i (begrudgingly) use iframes to accomplish. not really my first choice at all, but after over 20 years of website building there's still just no way to easily include html fragments in full html documents that doesn't rely on server-side scripting, javascript, or iframes (and believe me, i look regularly to see if that's changed...). as extremely ...not fond of iframes used in layout as i am, i eventually had to grapple with and decide that as much as i hate iframes, i hate when sites won't load without javascript more.
(the rest of this page is being redone! it will be fleshed out eventually!)