
this is a (non-exhaustive) list of things i'm very interested in and love to talk about, or even just hear about! hopefully it's obvious i don't expect people to only ever talk about these specific topics with me; this page is just for anyone who wants to get to know me better, and maybe is looking for shared interests to talk about.

some of the media things i like are, unfortunately, made by fucked up people or companies. i strongly condemn the fucked up stuff the people who made the things i like have done (and continue to do in some cases...) however, i also don't believe at all in individual consumerism as activism, meaning i will refuse being forced to participate in throwing away my interests other people have decided for me are too Problematic to have. i keep or drop things at my own discretion; if i got rid of every single Problematic interest i have i wouldn't have any interests left, and frankly neither would you! there is media i am definitely very uncomfortable with other people consuming at all, but i generally will let people be and simply avoid them or the topic if i have to. be aware that no media is Pure and nobody lives a life untouched by the hellscape of capitalism and corporate greed; if you come for my interests and demand i drop them, i will pull no punches in ripping your own interests and life apart for being just as Problematic and Impure. i won't start shit but will absolutely finish it, so if you're gonna be a fake activist bitch to me, well... can't say i didn't warn you.

fair warning that if you have a trigger related to rodents, one of my interests is rodents which includes a picture of some gerbils. scroll further at your own risk!

animal genetics

generally, my interest in this tends to be focused on specific things: the genetic component of animal breeds, and the genetic inheritance of animal coat colors, patterns and textures from one generation to the next. other more broad genetics information does also interest me, just not quite as much as these specific parts of genetics knowledge.

image from the horse coat color simulator tool!


and pretty much anything related to space or astrophysics. i have neurological problems that make higher math difficult so i can't really grasp the math of the physics of space that well, but the general concepts of what the math means fascinate me and i wish to someday find a way to work around my neuro issues to learn the calculus to understand physics better.
also stars pretty!!

Fire Emblem

one of my favorite game series, especially FE 4-10! this series seems to be treated by a lot of people as a "dating sim" kind of game because of the support conversation mechanics, though personally i enjoy this series just as much for its actual gameplay and the characters themselves. (Lyn and Eirika best lords you Cannot change my mind)

furry / anthro

and pretty much anything talking animal-adjacent whatsoever. "furry" stuff has interested me for quite literally as far back as i can remember, over a decade before i even knew there was a name at all for any of the "humanlike animal" things i immensely enjoyed.


yep sorry not sorry i'm one of Those fuckers who loves this garbage. a little more seriously though, as a neurodivergent person memes do communicate emotions and experiences in ways that are both funny (which is important to me) and in ways that are easy to grasp, as i often struggle with articulating things.

original characters

both mine and other peoples'! anyone is welcome to share stuff about their O.C.'s to me, even if they don't know me or it's completely unprompted. every character is fascinating and cool; i love hearing about them!
there is an exception though, in that f.f.14 is a permanently banned topic for me, and by extension i don't want to hear about other peoples' f.f.14 characters at all unless i've given permission to do so. you're free to ask first if you can, of course, just please don't have expectations i will answer "yes."


especially the Mystery Dungeon series! the main series games have finally gotten to be too much for me to have interest in playing anymore myself, but i still keep up with what's going on in them and am excited for new Pokémon and other things.

Ragnarok Online

old and terrible game that has existed before most other MMOs that i'm still fond of for some unfathomable reason. monk class is a favorite, though i always end up playing more INT/DEX support priest than anything else which is a second favorite. as ridiculous as a lot of this game's mechanics are i do still find the gameplay to be engaging, and have a lot of nostalgia for the excellent world and, in a lot of places, surprisingly good storytelling that surpasses writing i've seen in most other MMOs.
(old iRO Sakray server pride!)


gerbils by far the most (pictured here of course, and look at how precious and perfect gerbils are), but also mice, rats, squirrels, chipmunks, chinchillas, degus, capybaras, and also rabbits despite that they're not "technically" rodents.
i try to be discerning with talking about my pets as i know rodents are a trigger for a lot of people, but i will NOT tolerate any mean-spirited comments or horrific animal abuse stories about rodents people seem to think are "funny" for some awful reason.

video game glitches

and things related to glitches or stuff you might see as the result of glitches, like out-of-bounds areas. these things have always fascinated me, and it only helps that games i'm already interested in have vast amounts of glitchyness to play with (older pokémon games) or enormous amounts of reachable out-of-bounds areas to explore (WoW). i love hearing about these things for any and all games and even bugs / glitches in non-game software. game glitches interest me the most, though!


also known as "Warrior Cats" or "Murder Cat Books". a series about clans of feral cats trying to survive in the wilderness and fighting each other. it's intended for young adults i think but is surprisingly gory and has a lot of character death; i've heard this series compared to Watership Down and find them both to be similar. but it's talking cats so of course i love it.

web design and development

the reason you're seeing this page! this is also a hobby i do just for fun, not as something i can turn into a "marketable skill" which is why my website looks like That and uses no frameworks of any kind. (i understand the value of things like frameworks in a professional development environment, but personally i enjoy taking my time, getting my hands dirty in code, and having a real understanding of how my own site is built and works... rather than little-to-no understanding as a framework has abstracted all the underlying workings away.)

World of Warcraft

yep, that really is a WoW screenshot! this game is something i've played for over a decade and still enjoy, especially as one of the very few MMOs left that allow for incredible flexibility in role and character abilities (i main a druid, for context)... and even more so a game that not only has real furries, but my secret favorite thing even more than furries: quadrupedal talking animals. that you can turn into indefinitely and at will! that you can fight as and your animal form combat is a core part of the gameplay! class fantasy is extremely important to me, and WoW is one of those games that really delivers what i want where most other games fall badly short. aesthetics and class fantasy alone can't keep me playing forever, though, and WoW still delivers on gameplay too: even after all these years, the gameplay is even more fun and compelling to me than it's ever been.

hopefully this is obvious, but blizzard has been a shit company since the beginning, and i condemn everything that has happened with and continues to happen in the company. as with my interest in kenshin i won't recommend this game to other people for that reason, but be aware all large video game companies are like that – blizzard is the norm, not the exception. blizzard suffering consequences for being shit should be where change starts in the industry, not ends as everyone nods in approval at blizzard's comeuppance while turning a blind eye to the creators of their favorite games.

also, another thing i'd hope is obvious, but i don't tolerate even "playful" mocking or belittling of my interests. this only ever upsets me, and at this point i'll only warn once before blocking if the warning is ignored.

lesser interests

while the stuff in the above section is stuff i like a Normal Amount (meant in a joking way, as those are things i am very obsessed with), this section's more for things i actually do like merely a normal amount. naturally, these aren't the only things i've experienced in each category, just the ones i ended up liking! the lists will, admittedly, be rather small as i am quite picky and most things don't align with my tastes at all.

Cowboy Bebop, Mob Psycho 100, One Piece, Revolutionary Girl Utena
books / stories:
the Last Unicorn, A Fine and Private Place, A Shadow Out of Time, At the Mountains of Madness, the Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, Narnia series, the Silmarillion, Watership Down
Dance Dance Revolution, Diablo II, DotA 2, Harvest Moon series, Team Fortress 2, Wakfu
digital art
Rurouni Kenshin
the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Princess Bride, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Star Wars series
tv shows:
Star Trek: the Next Generation

misc. / uncategorized things:
ethical open source software, casually IDing birds and other local wildlife


this isn't necessarily a judgment call on any of these things being "inherently bad" (unless specified otherwise, anyway). these are just things i personally dislike or am otherwise just repelled by and don't want to hear about at all, included here for other peoples' knowledge of what will make me check out of a conversation. i may still discuss this stuff with people i know very well and can trust to respect my limits, but please do not take that as an invitation to talk about these things with me yourself.
this list isn't meant to and doesn't cover more serious things like bigotry; this is just fandoms and other non-serious things that don't appeal to me.

the actual content is now hidden under a details element that's opened on interaction, so people who may want to avoid reading negative views and opinions on things they like don't have to accidentally see that.

click / touch / navigate to with tab + open with enter to view

i have strong opinions on most of these things; if you really want to know why this stuff is so disliked, be prepared for an answer you may not like or agree with and do not turn the conversation into an argument. i won't generally bring these topics up on my own unless it's to state my boundaries as it is, so overstepping that doesn't also give anyone the right to also argue with me about my opinions or try to "convert" me into liking things i dislike, or whatever.

  • Apple / Mac / iOS anything (make no mistake, all big tech companies have my eternal hatred and deserve to be razed to the ground; this one's obsessive fans have just managed to beat an especially intense dislike into me.)
  • Attack on Titan
  • Bravely Default series (unless, of course, you've come to me to talk about my very evil and sexy husband...)
  • characters: Bakugou (My Hero Acadamia), Chara (Undertale), Flowey (Undertale), Mineta (My Hero Acadamia), Sylvanas (Warcraft series), Vriska (Homestuck)
  • Danganronpa (both the anime series and games)
  • Discord (yes, meaning the chat program. i absolutely can't fathom why so many people have decided to make an "uwu pweshus babby" out of a fucking tech company, but i have no patience or tolerance for it anymore. stop praising the most horrendous chat program i've ever had the misfortune of using to me. stop defending its hideous UI, plethora of serious bugs, unacceptably frequent service outages, and rampant data harvesting to me. i won't ask people to hate discord but i do expect people to stop babying an actual company and its closed-source computer program as if it were an abused puppy. if you wouldn't make excuses for Google or Microsoft, don't make them for Discord either.)
  • fandom drama; esp. "shipping wars"
  • Final Fantasy (with exceptions: 4-6, 9, and tactics i'm fine with discussing with anyone. all other FFs disinterest and repel me greatly. chocobos in general, even from FF games i'm otherwise fine with, are always disliked.)
  • Fullmetal Alchemist (exceptions for Maes Hughes, Armstrong, and Izumi + her cool husband whose name i can't remember.)
  • gore, esp. "gore porn"
  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Ragnarok Online "Pre-Renewal" / transcendent classes (i generally love RO and like all the other classes including third classes; transcendent classes specifically are what i intensely dislike along with peoples' insistence renewal is what "broke" RO and not the addition of broken, awful trans classes.)
  • World of Warcraft Classic, and any version of WoW that came before Pandaria (and because i know people will be weird about this: i started playing WoW during 3.1; my love of pandaria isn't because that's when i started. Wrath sucked major ass; get over it. i only kept playing through wrath because the game was new to me then; i would never play something like that now.)

this is also not an exhaustive list, and i request to not be pulled into a conversation about the "usual no's": religion, current events, non-leftist political things, abuse or killing of people or animals, etc. there are times and places for all topics, and these heavy things i can only really discuss if i have the emotional energy for them and know the other person(s) will have a mutual respecting of boundaries and personhood.