riding creatures
All these creatures are seen with species-appropriate tack when ridden by Silver, always crafted of simple brown leather, weatherproofed steel and a thick but comfortable-looking sheep's wool saddle blanket. These creatures are all only ever seen as beasts of transport, and do not seem to be trained or used for more combative purposes.
As many beasts of burden are throughought Azeroth, Silver magically calls these animals from somewhere to their location whenever their aid is needed, returning them to where they were the same way.

Of any land-crossing steed Silver may be found riding, the tractable grey talbuk doe Briar seems to be their first choice. Though as calm and unshakable as any could ask, Briar retains a level of alertness and sensitivity uncommon to find among domesticated animals, the slightest waft of a strange scent on the breeze or an odd noise catching her attention long before any rider might know.
Silver's immense trust in this animal is plain to all who observe rider and steed.

An Outland talbuk much like Briar, though of darker coat and more energetic disposition. All accounts of this creature measure him as seeming fidgety, impatient and unaccustomed to being ridden, and any who approach him too closely are warned by Silver - this talbuk is technically still a colt despite his size, and is learning to accept tack and a rider.


A curiosity; this riding nightsaber seems to have not left his prime, though his breed is ancient and thought to have been lost to the ages millenia ago. Much like Briar he seems nigh unshakable, as calm and perfect a steed as any, though he refuses all riders that aren't Silver... and can be pushed to refuse very persistent would-be riders with teeth and claws.

Gentle and patient, as well as incredibly clever. Star responds to even very complicated requests, and tends to give the impression he's much more cognizant than one may think he is at first glance.
creatures of hunting, war, and work
All of these animals perform some kind of task or are otherwise "useful" besides for travel, though most of these beasts are large enough to serve as steeds and Silver has been observed using some of them for this purpose as well.
As with the creatures Silver keeps purely for riding, these animals are also magically called when they're needed and returned when their job is finished, though are also sometimes seen kept out just to play and relax with their keeper.

As her name suggests, Friend is a quite friendly and curious marsuul, and unless told to stay where she is will approach interesting-looking strangers to smell them and touch them with her soft scaly paws... to search their pockets for treats as well as beg for petting, of course. She has been observed to be used as an attack and hunting animal however, and with a single word can be sent to tear an enemy apart with her large, sharp rodentlike front teeth.

Pal is quite shy and tends to be nervous around strangers, but is emboldened by Friend's fearlessness around new people and will often follow her to approach new people she thinks have food on them. When Friend is sent to attack he follows, biting enemies from behind while Friend bites them from the front and holds their attention.

The dire fox Snowy is clearly out of his prime, though he is still enthusiastic about his work as a hunting aid and remains as quietly friendly as he ever was. He is often paired with the younger Inky, and seems as something of a mentor and guide for the younger dire fox as they work together.


The horrible bastard boy himself. Hippogryphs are by no means subsapient, and his bond with Silver seems to be clearly that of mutual aid and trust rather than mere subservience. Silver and Huginn's mate Muninn seem to be all he doesn't despise in the world, though; his horribly short temper and fluency in Darnassian mean he is often loudly cussing at any who dare even slightly cross him or his beloved mate... and he's just as quick with his incredibly sharp beak and curved talons for any who don't heed his screaming.
For all his bad-tempered nature he is still an incredibly gorgeous creature, his colorful feathers brightly iridescent in even faint light.

A more subdued and calm hippogryh than her mate, Munnin is still by no means fond of strangers and tends to avoid others who aren't her mate or otherwise familiar to her. She is by no means passive though, and will aid Huginn in driving off more annoying or dangerous creatures.
Her white plumage is lovely to behold as any other hippogryph's, soft and iridescent, the play of color most visible on her deep indigo feathertips.

Here's a good boy! Cobalt has the body of a terrifying monstrosity and the personality of an excitable young dog. His bony flaming tail is often wagging, and he wiggles all over when anticipating being petted. His loyalty ultimately lies with his keeper, and for his friendliness to all when at rest when working a single command is all that's needed to send him gleefully at the throats of Silver's enemies.
companion creatures
All of these beasts seem to be simply pets, with no other purpose... except perhaps to be adorable, and maybe do a few tricks. Some are simply too young to begin training for any kind of work, others by all appearances unable to be trained at all for one reason or another.
These animals are all summoned and returned the same way as the others in Silver's possession, though they are called upon just for play or general companionship, as they don't serve any other purpose.

Silver's unapologetic favorite. The sweet little face of this young marsuul is often seen peeking from the folds of Silver's cloak, emerging more to give any outstretched hands or paws an inquisitive sniffing after which she usually allows her scaly little head to be petted.
Around her neck is a soft-looking leather collar, sporting no tag, her name simply embossed into the collar itself.



Fig Biscuit
An excitably friendly, untrainable idiot. Fig is obviously a "fancy" dire fox from a line bred for stunning coat color judging by his absolutely gorgeous autumn-colored pelt, but good looks and frenzied face-licking are all he's really good for.
When his best buddy Cobalt isn't being asked to do work the two are often seen playfully wrestling, with the flaming dog's burning hide seeming to not burn those he likes as when fox and dog part Fig's body bears no burns or other injury.

A sweet little spore FRIEND.