o.o.c. info
just a lightly () expanded OOC info page specifically for WoW. sometimes you just find a website more feasible for all the things you want to say, rather than cramming it all into a tiny box on an RP tooltip! though i've still added info to my tooltip in-game now as well, just because people don't really seem to actually read websites nearly any of the time. (if you're actually here reading this, hi! thanks for reading! i appreciate you!)
the sections on this page that were removed were just moved to their own individual pages!
you can see the OOC navigation portal to the right on desktop view, or below this section of the page on mobile view / smaller screens.
- when i see something about a character i like, i like to let the person know! if you get this kind of whisper from me i'm not trying to garner attention or looking for anything in return, i just want you to know i think your character is cool!
- i love to hear about peoples' OCs! if you were wanting someone to just listen to all the cool things you thought of for your character, i'd be glad to listen!
- i primarily use Steady Flight mode or flight paths when going places, so i may fall behind people using skyriding. this is a disability thing; i don't accept being shamed or mocked for finding skyriding disorienting and awful even with all accessibility features for it turned on. i can tolerate a bit of skyriding if i absolutely must, but otherwise i'll just be flying wherever i'm going at a steady rate.
if my slower flying is a problem or bothers you, turn on passenger mode for your skyriding mounts... - i started playing in patch 3.1, but my favorite expansion is Mists of Pandaria! Legion is a close second.
- i am very normal about marsuuls. extremely normal. i will definitely not stare at and pet every marsuul i see. i have no intentions. absolutely none. zero. nada. of stealing your marsuul(s) and keeping them as my own pets as soon as you turn your head. you can trust me with all your marsuuls :3
preferrably forever - i am also extremely normal about rogues, blood elf men, night elf women, kul tiran women, all draenei, and all void elves
especially when they're talking.if you think i am looking at you Not Respectfully... i probably am. and i'm only a little bit sorry...
i also adore vulpera, but really just because they're so cute! - however absentminded i may seem, i promise you it's even worse than that lol. if i run around like i don't see you or dismount from my transmog mount while you're using it, i really just didn't notice you were there at first! if i suspect you were using my mount for transmog or repairs, i'll usually get back on it. i also sometimes zone out or get distracted, so if you whisper me and i'm moving around it's probably just that i didn't see your message pop up. i reply when i finally notice though!
- yes, i really have done the argent tournament around... 14 or so times now. yes, i hate the argent tournament with every fiber of my being. yes, i can absolutely do the
awful wretched horrible eviljousting without even paying attention to it at all. by the time blizzard makes the argent pony upgrade for the squire / gruntling account wide i'll have finished the tournament on every character i have... - i have a very low tolerance for people complaining about or otherwise hating on WoW as a game, especially while continuing to play. nobody is obligated to like WoW but if you're going to be an asshole about the game do so where i don't have to see it. i'm beyond done with people shitting on my interests while treating their own as godly and perfect, or trying to "convert" me into playing something else. if there's a different game you like better, go enjoy that and leave those of us who genuinely like WoW enough to keep playing it to our own devices.
i more like to write stories about my characters than roleplay them at this point, but if you see me in-character this list will apply!
- guild membership is IC on both alliance and horde; though, true to its name, the "guild" is actually more of a clan rather than a guild. the guild is also private and closed to members i don't personally know that well; you can still ask to join if you want, just please don't be disappointed if i decline.
- many of my characters are faction-neutral, but i gladly accept all IC faction hostility! conflict makes RP fun! just keep the hostility IC only, with OOC chill and respectful.
- by extension of the above, this means being PvP flagged and all PvP activities are purely OOC, unless specified otherwise in the in-game RP tooltip.
- any spec my character is currently in can be considered IC by default. if a spec isn't IC that will be stated directly on their in-game RP profile.
- if i'm flagged IC, targeting you means my character is looking at you. regardless of my RP status, if i'm targetting you i'm probably also checking out your transmog or RP profile!
- artifact weapon / other lore-significant appearances are OOC. assume my character appears to be unarmed or otherwise is just not wearing that weapon unless specified otherwise, and if i do specify otherwise the weapon will be just treated as an average, unremarkable weapon of its type. (i'm probably wearing them for a specific effect, or just because i like how they look regardless of their artifact status.)
- my character's in-game clothes are a compromise between how i (the player) want to look in-game, what good-looking options i have available to me, and what my character would actually be wearing (since WoW has very little to nothing in most gear slots for appearances that would match their real outfit). consider their in-game outfit to be only an approximation of what they're really wearing, and please refer to art where i have art available for a much more accurate clothing set visually. otherwise, if you need details on some piece of clothing my character is wearing but i don't have any art up right now, feel free to ask OOC!
- while i'm welcoming of all IC aggression and opinions, i have a very low threshhold for OOC faction antagonism and fanaticism. this is ultimately still just a video game, and insulting and attacking people for their choice in pretend video game bullshit is ridiculous and childish and i will move to either stamp this behavior out quickly or put people on ignore if they refuse to listen.